
Wednesday, October 5, 2016

Spider Web


 This glorious pattern is the Octagon Shimmer Quilt by Jennifer Sampou. I can not say enough good things about this quilt or its instructions. Click for the pattern here


  1. Most important is that you are happy! Onwards and upwards!

  2. I'm glad you are ok and I wish you the best going forward. I hope you have left the unpleasant quilting stuff behind and can instead enjoy creating lovely things, like that new project.

  3. Love you!! You are so talented and have the best heart and it makes me sad that this industry has taken advantage of that. I hope you find a way to continue to create and share your gifts with others ❤️ New beginnings are scary but also full of excitement and potential!

  4. Forward. Always a good direction. Lots of loving supportive energy being beamed your way my friend ����

  5. Looking forward to a big hug next month and seeing you and this beautiful work!! Seems like you are on the right track, even if it's winding for a while. Have a great time at MQX, where your skills are valued and you can shine on.xo

  6. I have so much respect for you, and I've loved seeing your work. I only wish I had had the chance to take one of your classes! I totally understand. I'm trying my best to only engage in projects that really make me happy. There's no time for anything else. Happy that you've found peace.

  7. Love you and looking forward to seeing you soon, throwing back some booze, tripping along a hiking trail and building pyramids to the wee hours. Circus performer as new career? We'll hash it out. xo

  8. Krista, I'm really sorry you are at this turning point. I really hope you find your happiness. You probably don't remember me. We grew up around the corner from one another and then you moved to the SLO area with your mom and brother. I would love to talk and catch up. We can exchange info via email at Roxanne Feybush (Salazar)

  9. I don't know anything about the "quilting industry" except as a consumer of fabric and books, and ideas. what I do know is that i greatly admire and respect your quilting style which seems to be unique in the quilting world. I am sorry people have made you feel bad and I know whatever steps you take next will be winners!

  10. Looking forward to one of our special awesome hugs in a month. LOVE LOVE LOVE!

  11. Dear Krista, if I had a chance I would fly to US and would attend your last class, first to give you a huge hug and then to catch all your valuable teaching! I am sure that out of the industry world you will be very happy especially cause you will can take your decisions for your own, only to attend your wishes ( and not to attend the industry desires!!) you are the best and so very courage girl!! You are an exemplo of courage!! I think from the bottom of my heart that if we follow our heart, we will always to take the right way!

  12. Love the STRING QUILT (spider web pattern). Your colors are great on that very old standard!

    Have fun in your future - it's the only way to live.

  13. I'm having a "pity me" moment as I realise I have to put aside the dream of taking a class with you. I must put that aside and say congratulations for making a big life changing decision which I am positive will be the right thing for you. Onward and upward, you go girl!

  14. Congratulations Krista, you are so brave - I applaud you. I, to a much smaller degree, am going through the same dilemma; so much drama, cattiness and in-fighting. All I ever wanted was to make beautiful, cozy quilts. Hang in there, a new path will open up for you. Just be true to your inner self...

  15. I am a newbie to finding you, so a bit sadish to read I may not see your fabulous quilting...........but it's not my life or anyone elses is it? Sounds like you have done what feels like the right thing in your heart to do. Best wishes and MUCH happiness!

  16. I also just found you as my lovely husband just bought me a simply 16. I agree with the whole trying to keep up with social media thing! It is so consuming and a lot seem s fake to me. Quilting and creating quilts is a creative outlet for me that makes me happy. Aside from bringing up 5 children it gives me something to look forward to.It really does make me a nicer, happier person and parent. It sounds to me like you are going down the right path for you to love and enjoy and be happy in the creating again. I love love love your shimmer quilt. It is the most awesome thing I have seen in ages. Your colours are perfect. Go with your heart. :-)

  17. Kudos girl! I am saddened I have never been able to afford to go to one of these events to take your classes, but I am SO proud of you for standing up and being blunt to the core and say enough is enough. I am not in the quilting industry but was in the scrapbooking industry and did the exact same thing a few years ago. Let go and let your heart sing! Do what you love. I hope you will still share your projects and your incredible talents with your faithful followers here. I so enjoy seeing your bright soul shine through your work. Many hugs! XOX PS: Luv the dreads!

  18. Follow your heart. The best thing about life is that it is constantly changing and evolving. Trust your path and know that it is all part of your journey.

  19. So proud of you! You're one of my absolute favorites and it's great to hear you aren't a lemming. Enjoy your life doing what makes YOU happy and know you have more support out here than you can imagine.

  20. Krista, Have you ever heard the Fritz Perl's Gestalt Therapy prayer? You might like it:
    I do my thing, and you do your thing.
    I am not in this world to live up to your expectations
    And you are not in this world to live up to mine.
    You are you and I am I,
    And if by chance we find each other, it's beautiful,
    If not, it can't be helped.

  21. I will always have a piece of you. Well two actually ;-)

  22. You made a choice not a mistake. We often question our life choices but usually find in the end the choice was good. You are now joining the crowd of famous quilters who have dropped out of the rat race to enjoy life again. Congratulations.

    Although I never achieved fame I felt all the stress of a quilting career for over 30 years. I went through quilter's burn out too. I recently retired my business to take some much needed time off to decide which direction my life will take going into the future.

    I continue to write blog posts on my blogs just for the fun of it these days. I do hope you'll also keep blogging, at least for awhile, about your life after a quilting career. Blogging just for the fun of sharing with friends is a whole lot less stressful than doing so for monetary gains. Posts about everyday happenings can be very interesting to those who like you for just being you.

    Proud of you young lady!

  23. I have quilted since 1980, owned my Gammill since 1995. I can't imagine life without it. In our quilt shop it's more "get it done" than being an art so I envy your letting go. Your talent bubbles over- will you still share it with us?

  24. Career changes can be good for all of us! Go with your heart, and your skills and talents will shine in another venue as well. Best wishes!

  25. While I've admired your work, I completely understand your decision.
    Life is entirely too short doing something that doesn't bring you joy.
    I applaud your courageous decision and like you said, good and positive things will cone back to you.
    While it may seem raw now, things will settle down for you and you'll find your way.
    I wish only the best for you.

  26. I had to go through something like this a few years ago when I worked in fashion. It seem like it became a hardship working on garments and I ended up hating it, so after 30yrs I quit. I am doing something else and love. But, on the other side I seem to have found the love of sewing again. I make costumes for a dance group that my daughter dances in and I also make quilts but only for the love it, never selling any. I just give them as gifts. I wish you luck on your next adventure.

  27. Good for you! Having burned out from my career in the corporate world at 39 years of age, I totally understand where you're at. Take a lot of time just for yourself right now. Life is a journey. You'll figure out your next path when the time is right.

  28. Yay for living your life! Sometimes the right choice feels strange, but know it is good as it brings the joy back, and you gotta have the joy!

  29. I love your quilting style and have enjoyed following your blog but I appreciate how the "business" can eat you alive. Only you can decide where to draw the line to keep your sanity and still enjoy what your love to do, in this case is the ART of quilting not just making a product.

  30. Can't WAIT to see what you create! Already loving the quilt!

  31. I crossed over to the other side and never look back. I am producing my best work ever and will have a solo show of 80 pieces in early 2017. My work is FROM THE HEART and like no one else's, as it should be.

  32. I love what you're doing and after reading all these posts and yours, I realize you are truly loved, Admired and appreciated....Think on these things and carry on in "greatness"!

  33. While I'm super sad to hear this, I completely understand. Sometimes you need to press the "Reset" button. We did that in June (see ) and are having a great time!

    I wish you the best restart ever and absolutely love the project you're working on. I can't wait to see updates from you of your future creations. You really do inspire a lot of us!! I hope to see you again in person one day (after August 2017).

  34. Krista, I don't even know you, but I'm so proud of you for making the decision that's true to you! I'm so glad I'll be able to take classes from you at MQX Midwest this year. I'm right where you are honestly. Just trying to make the right decision for myself and my family. It's so hard to know what is best! Saying a prayer for you today, that you will enjoy this next part of your journey and be at peace with it.

  35. I, too, sold the longarm and quit quilting for others, for myself and for show.
    I send mine out now to a very talented fellow and am happy with that decision. I now have more time to make quilts for me and for giving. Out of the industry and I leave the clawing your way to the top to others with sharper claws. You go girl.

  36. We've never "met", but I stumbled on your blog sometime this year when I was looking for inspiration through google images. I recognized your name from the Quiltcon class in 2015. I remembered your class was full and being bummed because the description was right up my alley. When I found your blog, I was hooked. I hope you know you bring inspiration to people.

    I remember reading one of your posts awhile back and sensed you were struggling with IG and I found soooo much to relate to when I read it.

    My world pre-interenet/social media in 2010 was a quiet quilting time. Books and magazines and the occasional episode of the Quilt Show on HGTV early mornings were my only quilting "friends" from the time I started in 1996. I often wonder what I'm even doing on social media. Constantly feeling judged, inferior, or just not "modern" enough. I miss the "quiet" but I love some of the REAL relationships I've made through quilting.

    I hope you find the "quiet" you may be seeking.


  37. A very brave act which comes from true love of the craft. It only takes a few people who have lost sight of the real meaning of making something wonderful to cause chaos. Perhaps you'll find / create a new niche? Maybe you are meant to be a new kind of leader, and choosing to leave your current situation is the next big step?

  38. Krista, you've made the right decision to move out of what was making you unhappy, though I think you should have kept your machine. Quilting is not just about the fabric, but also the quilting stitches that add to the whole piece. You have such a wonderful quilting style, (I'm glad that I got the chance to be your student at QuiltCon), but I think it would be hard not to quilt with the tools you're used to.

    It's also unfortunate that things we love to do end up becoming work. The business side of any hobby can be quite ugly. The joy gets totally sucked out. I've experienced that myself a few times, and it's something I strive to keep in check.

    My wish for you is: Take a break, let go, forget about social media, covet those relationships that are important to you, and find your happy place again. It's you who matters.

  39. I took a class from you at quiltcon and it was so awesome. You literally changed my quilting and threw me to the next level with the confidence I needed to go forward and take risks. I am so grateful for that and the influence you had on my skills. That being said I totally get when you mean and why you made this decision. I have friends that are in it for the business side and they lament about not being able to do what makes them happy anymore so it's not an uncommon problem. I'm glad you're doing what is best for you and just wanted you to know that you touched my life for the better in your process.

  40. I took a class from you at quiltcon and it was so awesome. You literally changed my quilting and threw me to the next level with the confidence I needed to go forward and take risks. I am so grateful for that and the influence you had on my skills. That being said I totally get when you mean and why you made this decision. I have friends that are in it for the business side and they lament about not being able to do what makes them happy anymore so it's not an uncommon problem. I'm glad you're doing what is best for you and just wanted you to know that you touched my life for the better in your process.

  41. You go girl!!! Best of luck to you!!! I feel your pain! I'm seriously thinking of starting a pumpkin farm next year!!!

  42. Congratulations for honoring who YOU are. Go forth and create for the joy of creation . . .

  43. 👌🏼 you do you boo. Thanks for what you have shared with the quilting community! Your style is primo and We are all lucky to have been inspired by you.

  44. You are so incredibly talented! I know that your next chapter will be an awesome one filled with new discoveries and amazing creations!!! Xx Charise

  45. Some people see quitting as a sign of weakness, but the reality is that it is often the strongest most courageous thing you can do. I hope you find the joy again and that you know your work has inspired, and will continue to inspire, many many quilters (both in and out of the industry). Let your strength shine through and give you the confidence in your decision. Big love!

  46. To thine own self be true. Krista, you will be awesome at anything you do and any medium you turn you heart to. You have a true gift for quilting so you can return to it anytime. Machines are easy to come by.

  47. The best advice I ever received was from my grandmother when she told me, "follow your heart." All the best to you as you move forward and create your path.

  48. Hi Krista, I met you once with my husband Tony at Block Party Quilters a few years ago. He knew you first from the coffee shop. I'd love to see you at the guild again if you so desire. I've always admired your quilting and think you are amazing and know you will do well where ever life takes you! I had hoped to take a class from you at MQX East but it seemed like your classes were full at the times I was open. If you ever want to give a private lesson let me know I'd love to do it with you! Take care, Laura T

  49. Sometimes it's better to do something you don't love as a job, and keep what you truly love as your own, letting no one else in to mess around with it. I've seen too many creative people find out the hard way that turning what they love into a job takes all the joy out of it. Work is just that --- work. It's hard, it's tedious, and other people compete with you, and personalities can make things difficult. Marketing becomes more and more your job too. An old boss of mine once said they call it going to work, not going to fun. If you want fun, if you want to do things the way you want, and not the way someone else wants, then it's a hobby, an avocation, not a job. I hope you can find your way back to finding the joy in your creative endeavors, and find work that satisfies you without tearing you down.

  50. Congrats. New doors will open because you are obviously a talented, artistic and smart gal. BTW, I like the quilt you showed above.

  51. Hey there kiddo....glad to find you again! Sorry you felt the grief of the quilt police! We tell people at the shop there are no quilt police but obviously some think that they deserve the title!!😱
    Many quilts come into the shop that aren't my cup of tea but I can always fine something to admire like a color combo or impeccable stitching...and if I can't (which has never happened so far) I know I will just keep on smiling...and keep my mouth shut!!😜
    Now getting forth and play with fabric and color...and say hi to Max for me!!😀❤️

  52. Best of luck to you! It will indeed all work out. You are a brave and talented person. The world will tell you what your next journey is!
    Life is full of many journeys.... you are just beginning the next one!

  53. Krista, I just came to your blog from FB. There's a huge discussion going on about your post.
    I applaud your decision and wish you the very best. Can't wait to see what you have waiting in the wings.

  54. Krista, thank you for sharing so openly and honestly. I am in the same spot right now! I'm finishing my last client quilt then the machine will be sold. I too am making room for other things that fill my heart with joy. xo

  55. Brave woman! I applaud being true to yourself. Create because you love it. Hugs, Allison in Plano, Texas

  56. Please accept a virtual hug from me - Your talent is FAB and I am deeply saddened by this post

  57. Sometimes you just have to listen to your heart. Blessings on you and your family.

  58. Well done for being so brave. I'm sure you will find your joy again, albeit on a new path.

  59. Krista
    I LOVE YOU!!!! Thanks for that; well bitter sweet FUCK OFF. :)
    I have just found you and your amazing work BUT totally get it.
    I have been a rep for a sewing machine company for a couple of years. I go to the homes of ladies who spend WAY too much for a machine they are NOT ready for. Although I admire them and am willing to help with all they need; I am tired of the hype and hysteria that has become the quilting world!!!! I just want to play in my sewing room, make a couple of creative quilting friends then die HAPPY and cozy under one of my quilts.
    Thanks for the post and BEST BEST WISHES! Keep actually are VERY good at what you do.

  60. omg I am so selfish sad that I won't be able to get to take a class with you but I'm really happy that you are doing what makes you feel good :) I know a few girls in Australia that did a class with you and they really learnt a lot - thanks so for all of your tips here on the blog and I look forward to following what you're up to in the future - oh and love those spiderwebs !

  61. Your current work in progress looks like a lot of fun! Enjoy the process and best of luck whatever you end up doing!

  62. I'll miss your work! You are so talented. I completely understand your reasoning, though. Best wishes to you.

  63. Dear,dear Krista, You need to know that you give lots of positive, nurturing energy to so many of us. I am just one of many, I expect, who you have encouraged and educated in these past years. I send gratitude and warmest encouragement to you at this time. Your classes at QuiltCon 2015 were simply delightful. I am sorry you have had this bad experience. But, I think you are acting thoughtfully and carefully. Hugs and more hugs from a white haired fan in Texas. If you ever need shelter here in Houston, let me know. You are loved by many. Sorry I just saw this. Think I might have tried to get in MQX class. Alas, it was not to be. I, too, am at a pretty weird place right now. Will add you to my prayers.

  64. For those of us, who discovered you ... late in this process, have you considered an online sell of class materials, demos, doodles. Love your work...and would buy. thanks.

  65. For those of us, who discovered you ... late in this process, have you considered an online sell of class materials, demos, doodles. Love your work...and would buy. thanks.

  66. Krista, my friends and I absolutely loved taking your classes at MQX. You made the Quilt as You Go class seem so easy ... I guess that's the mark of a true professional, making something look easy to do. I did two pieces using that method (they aren't nearly as cool as yours) this morning, and I'll definitely do more. It was fun! I hope you won't close the door completely, because you are way too talented artistically. Instead, I hope your path just changes direction a little. You're a wonderful teacher. (I was most impressed when you kept your cool when that piece-of-crap machine they gave you sounded like parts would fall off any minute. Thanks again for great classes.
    Pat Doyle in Appleton, WI

  67. Kristen, You have of your heart, mind and soul to those of us looking to learn. I respect your decision and hope that you feel the love and support that I offer and that I know is offered by SO many more. I like thinking of you creating your own things on your way to more clarity to what comes next. Hugs to you!

  68. I have always believed that quilting is meant to make you happy; be a sanctuary. If this is what you need to do to make it happy for you again, by all means, do it. I started LAing in 94 and have never done it for profit/professionally. It's my happy place and stress reliever! I sure do love your quilting--it's definitely my kinda thing. Whatever you choose to do, I'm sure you will be successful. You are obviously a people person and self disciplined. Anyone who has owned their own business has to have those assets.

  69. Krista, I applaud you, my dear, for unfurling the fingers in the grasp of 'The Big Q' . You are amazing and I am highly motivated by your work. I comment today to encourage you to continue your blog now that you have had a nice long break. I know I speak for many when I say that your new journey is share worthy. I want to see what you create for your own pleasure and new growth. With love and admiration, Karen

  70. Had to comment on your lovely use if color and all the details (I'm not a quilter in the least) of these quilts. Found this account thru Instagram and oh how I wish they were for purchase!! But I understand. Just wanted to comment. Another note to the you what beautiful art your work is.

  71. You have touched many lives. You have no idea. Your ten years in the industry has not been wasted, just a learning experience. I wish you happiness and creativity (which you have oodles of) in your future. Hug your adorable kids and move forward.

  72. This is one person that I would have travelled arpound the world, to attend a class!! No matter what I do I always come back to your site!! Hope to see you back some day!!

  73. Yes she is very talented and a good person and mother. She is also a great daughter
